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  • Check for a Lump | Breast Cancer Risk Factors

    ¿Cuáles son los factores de riesgo del cáncer de mama? Misión e Historia Pautas de detección Tómese 5 minutos para conocer su riesgo personal de cáncer y obtenga pasos sencillos para hacerse cargo de la salud de sus senos y ovarios. How can you lower your risk?

  • Check for a Lump | Local Resources

    Recursos locales Misión e Historia Juntos estamos marcando la diferencia. Aquí hay algunos recursos maravillosos en todo el valle. Contáctenos si conoce recursos adicionales para que los incluyamos. Reconociendo que la curación está ayudando, celebra y apoya a las mujeres sobrevivientes de TODOS los conciertos que están usando sus dones de vida y experiencia recién adquiridos para retribuir por un bien mayor. Se ha demostrado que Dragon Boating aumenta la salud general y la duración de la supervivencia al tiempo que reduce la incidencia de linfedema después del tratamiento para los sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama. AHCCS - Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Arizona's Medicaid agency provides a medical insurance program for low-income Arizona residents. ¡Embólsalo! ayuda a los pacientes con cáncer recién diagnosticados a dar los siguientes pasos hacia el tratamiento y la recuperación al proporcionar información y apoyo esenciales a los pacientes. Nuestra visión es brindar conciencia, educación y recursos financieros a todas las personas que padecen cáncer, con énfasis en el cáncer de mama. Ofreciendo apoyo y recursos a hombres y mujeres con cáncer de mama. Breast and Cervical CancerTreatment Program (BCCTP) Assists individuals that would qualify for WWHC, but were not diagnosed through it. Helps obtain AHCCCS coverage to people with breast or cervical cancer, regardless of where they were screened. Bright Spot Network Provides young cancer survivors who are parents of small children a safe space for individual and family healing, recovery, and connection. Camp Kesem Committed to creating a world where every child with a parent with a cancer diagnosis, or has lost a parent to cancer, is never alone. Supporting these children through and beyond their parents' cancer with free, fun-filled creative programs, and a lasting community. The Cancer Journey Institute A world with over 1 million trained Cancer Journey Coaches to serve all cancer patients, survivors or caregivers who want emotional, mental and spiritual support and healing through their cancer journey. Encuentre información sobre cómo vivir con cáncer, ya sea que le hayan diagnosticado recientemente, sea un sobreviviente o un familiar o amigo de alguien que padece cáncer. La misión de Casting for Recovery® (CfR) es mejorar la calidad de vida de las mujeres con cáncer de mama a través de un programa de retiro único que combina la educación sobre el cáncer de mama y el apoyo entre pares con el deporte terapéutico de la pesca con mosca. Llevando esperanza, curación y cuidado a quienes luchan contra el cáncer. Ofrece limpieza de la casa gratis para pacientes con cáncer. Brinda información y apoyo confiables y de alta calidad a pacientes negras con cáncer de mama dentro del área metropolitana de Phoenix, y para educar a la comunidad negra sobre la prevención, el diagnóstico y la detección del cáncer de mama. Dignity Health at St. Joseph's Westgate Medical Center If you are not approved to AHCCS coverage, the Dignity Financial Assistance Program will help you with the most affordable healthcare they possibly can. Families Raising Hope The mission of Families Raising Hope is to assist cancer patients and their families with the financial burden that cancer treatments pose so that they can focus on their health, healing, and recovery. Brindar apoyo a las mamás durante el tratamiento del cáncer. HEAL ayuda a las madres de Arizona que se recuperan de cualquier tipo de cáncer con al menos un hijo dependiente viviendo en casa. Hope After Breast Cancer Hope After Breast Cancer helps women strengthen their bodies, renew their minds, and heal their hearts after a breast cancer diagnosis. Organice fácilmente comidas y ayude a amigos y familiares que lo necesiten. Organice fácilmente comidas y ayude a amigos y familiares que lo necesiten. MBC Connect 2.0 es un registro de experiencias de pacientes interactivo, compatible con dispositivos móviles y web en el que puede compartir información sobre su historial de enfermedades de MBC, experiencias y calidad de vida, y ahora, obtener posibles coincidencias con los ensayos clínicos. Ayuda a aliviar la carga financiera y emocional experimentada durante el costoso tratamiento del cáncer de mama y la recuperación al proporcionar prótesis, sostenes, pelucas y prendas posquirúrgicas. Patient Advocacy Foundation Helps find resources and remove obstacles to healthcare. La misión de Provision Project es brindar ayuda financiera a las mujeres en tratamiento activo para el cáncer de mama. Singleton Moms es una comunidad dedicada a aliviar la carga de los padres solteros con cáncer y sus familias. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul Medical Clinic Provides free Virginia G. Piper Medical Clinic to provide health services to uninsured and underserved patients at no cost. Brinda información y apoyo confiables y de alta calidad a pacientes negras con cáncer de mama dentro del área metropolitana de Phoenix, y para educar a la comunidad negra sobre la prevención, el diagnóstico y la detección del cáncer de mama. MBC Connect 2.0 es un registro de experiencias de pacientes interactivo, compatible con dispositivos móviles y web en el que puede compartir información sobre su historial de enfermedades de MBC, experiencias y calidad de vida, y ahora, obtener posibles coincidencias con los ensayos clínicos. Valleywise Health If you are not approved to AHCCS coverage, the Financial Assistance Program at Valleywise, uses a sliding scale to determine what you pay based on your income level. MIHS can help both the uninsured and underinsured. Well Woman Health Check Helps low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women gain access to breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services. Wesley Community Health Centers Wesley provides primary healthcare to uninsured and underinsured using a sliding fee based on income level. Fortalece la comunidad, aborda las necesidades únicas, amplifica la voz y mejora la calidad de vida de los adultos jóvenes afectados por el cáncer de mama, a nivel local, nacional e internacional. ¿Quiere reunirse con otras jóvenes sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama en el condado de Maricopa? Vaya a: https: //

  • Check for a Lump | Gawley Gala

    Gala Gawley Cada año, el Dr. Gawley y sus socios organizan un evento de agradecimiento al paciente por invitación para celebrar y reconocer a sus clientes de cirugía plástica. Para mostrar su agradecimiento, su objetivo es invitar a los invitados con obsequios, obsequios y premios, así como descuentos por servicios prepagos. Su gala también incluirá una subasta silenciosa en la que todas las ganancias serán donadas a ¡Compruebe si hay un bulto! El evento exclusivo de este año será en algún momento de octubre y requerirá un RSVP. ¡Más detalles próximamente! Purchase Tickets Here ¡La Gala Gawley recaudó más de $ 35,00!

  • Check for a Lump | Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Mes de la conciencia del cáncer de mama Thank you for your support! Broken Lullaby all month long! specific dates! Rudy's BBQ - All Locations Pink Cups for a Cause! $1.00 for every pink cup sold. ​ Spinato's Family Pizzeria - All Locations Dessert Proceeds! $1 for every dessert ordered. Option to add donation onto final bill. ​ Harvest / Trulieve - All Locations Round-up campaign at all locations! ​ Roses by the Stairs Brewing Pink Beer for breast cancer! $5 from every pink beer ordered. ​ Pink Patch Project: Peoria Police & Pinal County Sheriff All Pink Patch sale profits donated. ​ Brighton Collectibles - Kierland Commons $10 for every 2023 Pink Power bracelet sold. ​ Rio Mirage Cafe - All locations Proceeds from menu items will be donated. ​ Bashas/Food City Charity of The Month - All locations Pin pad donations ​ Race Lab - Miles That Matter Raise money by training during October: bike, run, swim, hike. 10/14 Say Yes to the Dresser 25% of Class fee will be donated. 10/14 & 10/21 Phoenix Championship Wrestling (Slamu) T-Shirt sales will be donated. 10/14 Kendra Scott - Scottsdale Quarter & Chandler Locations 20% of proceeds from sales from 2pm-4pm. 10/14-10/15 Kendra Scott - Use code GIVEBACK-EUJPK for 20% of proceeds to be donated from all online orders. 10/20-10/29 Board of Visitors Care Card Purchase a Care Card to get 20% off at hundreds of valley retailers and restaurants. $30 for every card sold. 10/21 Serrano's Mexican Restaurant In memory of their sister Stephanie who bravely fought breast cancer, they are donating a portion of sales of her favorite dish! 10/28 Prestige Cleaners - Circle V Equestrian Trail challenge, raffles, bbq, and more! Donating all proceeds from race. 10/14-10/20 EOS - East Valley locations Donations from Fitness Classes to help support our programs Sign up your business, group, club, school, etc. to participate in the Check for a Lump October 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign to raise money for your local breast cancer community! Gain Exposure! APOYO LOCAL! Usted puede ayudar a marcar la diferencia en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama mediante la educación gratuita sobre la salud de los senos y la asistencia directa con nuevas pelucas, mamografías y pruebas de diagnóstico gratuitas para mujeres en Arizona. Impulse la marca de su empresa alineándose con nuestra destacada organización sin fines de lucro de cáncer de mama ¡No sea tonto! ¡Compruebe si hay un bulto! Damos la bienvenida a las colaboraciones con nuestra comunidad local para participar en nuestro calendario de octubre. El Calendario de colores de octubre se promoverá a través de lo siguiente: Comunicados de prensa. Publicaciones diarias en todas las redes sociales. Una publicación en las redes sociales dedicada a la campaña de su empresa. Opcional - ¡No seas tonto! ¡Compruebe si hay un bulto! stand por hasta 3 horas con obsequios, fotos y videos para redes sociales. Regístrese para una recaudación de fondos de un día o durante todo el mes Ejemplos de participación previa: Mercedes Benz Scottsdale Shumacher : donó $ 100 por cada automóvil vendido todo el mes. Gawley Gala - Las ganancias de la rifa benefician a nuestra organización sin fines de lucro. Pizzería Spinato : creó un macarrón rosado y donó el 50% durante todo el mes. Rudy's Bar-B-Que - Pink Cups for a Cause con $ 1 donado por cada taza Vendido todo el mes. Cerámica como desees : campaña de redondeo durante todo el mes en todas las ubicaciones. Aiello's, Charr, Isa's - Coin drive durante todo el mes. Obras abiertas : venta de pasteles y fondos de contrapartida recaudados. ¿Quiere tener un impacto aún mayor? Invítanos a presentar nuestro taller de bienestar GRATUITO educando a las mujeres sobre hechos, pautas de detección y consejos de prevención relacionados con el cáncer de mama. Además, PINK OUT 5K 25% de descuento en promociones. Invítenos a traer una unidad de mamografía móvil a su negocio y proporcionemos mamografías GRATIS a mujeres sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente en nuestra comunidad. (Agregado a nuestro calendario de mamografías) Nuestros logros Se proporcionó educación sobre la salud de los senos a más de 100.000 localmente. Proporcioné más de 1,600 pelucas nuevas gratuitas para mujeres que luchan contra el cáncer de mama, y ​​actualmente ayudamos a casi una mujer al día con una peluca nueva GRATIS. Proporcionamos más de 300 mamografías, incluidas las pruebas de diagnóstico de seguimiento, desde el inicio de nuestro programa de mamografías en abril de 2019. ¡Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia! Para obtener más información, visite: Organización sin fines de lucro del IRS 501 (c) 3 27-4626148 Contacto: Hannah Rose, directora de alcance comunitario 602-688-5232 sem, 602-384-3710 celular, We encourage our audience to attend your October campaign through linked: Press releases Social Media Website Optional - Check for a Lump booth on site for up to three hours with give aways, pictures, and videos for social media. Sign up for a one-day fundraiser or a month-long event! Examples of previous participation: Mercedes Benz Scottsdale Shumacher Donated $100 for every car sold all month ​ Gawley Gala Raffle proceeds benefiting our non-profit. ​ Spinato’s Pizzeria Created a Pink Macaroon and donated 50% of pink macaroon sales all month. ​ Rudy’s Bar-B-Que Pink Cups for a Cause with $1 donated for every cup sold all month. ​ As You Wish Pottery Round Up Campaign all month long at all locations. ​ Aiello’s, Charr, Isa’s Coin drive throughout the month. ​ Open Works Bake sale and matched funds raised. 2023 October Campaign Thank you for supporting your local breast cancer community! First name Last name Email Phone Company website Campaign Details: Submit Thank you for your support! We will be in touch soon. Together we can make a difference!

  • Don't be a Chump! Check for a Lump! | Our Awesome Supporters

    ¡Gracias a todos nuestros patrocinadores, grandes y pequeños! Misión e Historia

  • Fundraise | Check for a Lump

    Fundraise Boost your business branding by aligning with our prominent breast cancer non-profit Check for a Lump. We welcome collaborations with our local community to fund our programs and events. Sign up for a single-day fundraiser or a month-long event. Fundraise October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  • Check for a Lump | Sponsor

    Misión e Historia Your sponsorship is invaluable in helping us serve our local breast community. By supporting and aligning with Check for a Lump, you can boost your community giving and your company profits. Annual Sponsorship Opportunities Big wig $25,000 Sponsorship Benefits ​ Direct customer referrals ​ Internet/Social Media ​ One 30 minute podcast Color logo with hyperlink on every page of our website Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page Company logo with hyperlink in every newsletter 12 posts (FB and Insta) 12 posts (on LinkedIn and Twitter) Recognition in client testimony video​ ​ ​ Magazine (Print 40,000 English, 10,000 Spanish plus internet access to publication) ​ Full page color acknowledgement 8.5 X 11 Half page color acknowledgement 5.5 X 8.5 One page specialty editorial Color acknowledgement on back of cover ​ ​ Signature Events: Pink Out 5k, Wig Out Gala, and Super Survivors ​ Company logo placed on all signature event banner and signage Company logo on red carpet event back drop 25 complimentary tickets to Pink Out 5K 8 complimentary tickets to Wig Out Gala Full page acknowledgement in our Wig Out Gala Program Collateral in swag bags Company logo on back of all event shirts beehive $10,000 Sponsorship Benefits ​ Direct customer referrals ​ Internet/Social Media ​ Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page 1 acknowledgement in our e-newsletter 6 posts (FB and Insta) 6 posts (on LinkedIn and Twitter) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Magazine (Print 40,000 English, 10,000 Spanish plus internet access to publication) ​ Full page color acknowledgement 8.5 X 11 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Signature Events: Pink Out 5k, Wig Out Gala, and Super Survivors ​ Company logo placed on all signature event banner and signage 10 complimentary tickets to Pink Out 5K 8 complimentary tickets to Wig Out Gala Half page acknowledgement in our Wig Out Gala Program Collateral in swag bags Company logo on back of all event shirts bouffant $2,500 Sponsorship Benefits ​ Direct customer referrals ​ Internet/Social Media ​ Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page 3 posts (FB and Insta) 3 posts (on LinkedIn and Twitter) ​ ​ ​ Magazine (Print 40,000 English, 10,000 Spanish plus internet access to publication) ​ Half page color acknowledgement 5.5 x 8.5 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Signature Events: Pink Out 5k, Wig Out Gala, and Super Survivors ​ Company logo placed on all signature event banner and signage​​ 5 complimentary tickets to Pink Out 5K 4 complimentary tickets to Wig Out Gala Quarter page acknowledgement in our Wig Out Gala Program Collateral in swag bags Company logo on back of all event shirts Patrocinio anual other opportunities Patrocinio de la Gala WIG OUT Patrocinio PINK OUT 5K

  • Check for a Lump! | I've Found A Lump, Now What?

    Misión e Historia ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Breast cancer is not a death sentence. If you find breast cancer in the early stages you have close to 100% chance of survival. FOLLOW YOUR PINK PATH TO RECOVERY ROAD Breast cancer is scary to navigate. We have partnered with highly reputable doctors in our community to provide you with the best possible treatment on our recommended path. Please contact us if you have any questions about recovery options or doctor recommendations. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your breast surgeon's goal is to remove any cancerous tissue from your breasts. This is done through lumpectomy or mastectomy. Treatment will depend on the type and stage of cancer. Your doctor will discuss with you all of you available options. They may also remove some of your lymph nodes underneath your arm to detect if cancerous cells have traveled outside of the breast. We highly recommend Comprehensive Breast Center of Arizona. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your medical oncologist manages and treats your breast cancer using chemotherapy and other medications such a targeted therapy. They monitor and evaluate your progress, and collaborate on your best options with your other medical caregivers. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your radiation oncologist uses ionizing radiation (such as megavoltage X-rays or radionuclides) in the treatment of cancer. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your plastic surgeon provides breast reconstruction following a mastectomy or lumpectomy. There have been many advances made in the breast reconstruction field, allowing patients to enjoy natural looking outcomes. Plastic surgeons can often reconstruct a woman's breast with incredible results. ​ We highly recommend the Arizona Center for Reconstructive Breast Surgery. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your practitioner may schedule an ultrasound to follow your diagnostic mammogram. WHAT IS AN ULTRASOUND? A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to make a computer image of the internal breast. Ultrasound images are used to further evaluate the abnormality. An ultrasound can detect if the mass is sold or filled with fluid, such as a non-cancerous cyst. It can also be used to determine the size and composition of the surrounding tissue. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Physical therapists, sometimes called PTs, are often an important part of the rehabilitation, treatment, and prevention of patients with chronic conditions, illnesses, or injuries. Research shows that physical exercise and activity are key factor in breast cancer survivors regaining vitality and returning to optimal health. PTs help you move better, regain strength and energy, and help you return to the activities you love. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Start at our Super Survivors Support Unite that meets the second Thursday of every month. Support groups provide a safe place to connect with other women who are battling breast cancer. They offer emotional and practical support to empower you to better cope with your diagnosis of breast cancer and treatment. Please refer to our resource page for local support groups. Be sure to order your Super Survivor Kit! ​ We highly recommend looking at local cancer and breast cancer nonprofits in our ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer experience emotional distress and anxiety during treatment. Anxiety often continues after you have completed treatment. We highly recommend seeking individual, couples, and family counseling during treatment and for at least six months following treatment. ​ We highly recommend the Cancer Support Community.

  • Check for a Lump | Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Mes de la conciencia del cáncer de mama Breast Cancer Awareness Month October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Sign up your business to participate in the Check for a Lump October 2022 Breast Cancer Awareness calendar and donate a portion of your sales for one day in October or all month long! ¡Haga clic aquí para registrarte! Support Local! APOYO LOCAL! Usted puede ayudar a marcar la diferencia en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama mediante la educación gratuita sobre la salud de los senos y la asistencia directa con nuevas pelucas, mamografías y pruebas de diagnóstico gratuitas para mujeres en Arizona. Impulse la marca de su empresa alineándose con nuestra destacada organización sin fines de lucro de cáncer de mama ¡No sea tonto! ¡Compruebe si hay un bulto! Damos la bienvenida a las colaboraciones con nuestra comunidad local para participar en nuestro calendario de octubre. El Calendario de colores de octubre se promoverá a través de lo siguiente: Comunicados de prensa. Publicaciones diarias en todas las redes sociales. Una publicación en las redes sociales dedicada a la campaña de su empresa. Opcional - ¡No seas tonto! ¡Compruebe si hay un bulto! stand por hasta 3 horas con obsequios, fotos y videos para redes sociales. Regístrese para una recaudación de fondos de un día o durante todo el mes Ejemplos de participación previa: Mercedes Benz Scottsdale Shumacher : donó $ 100 por cada automóvil vendido todo el mes. Gawley Gala - Las ganancias de la rifa benefician a nuestra organización sin fines de lucro. Pizzería Spinato : creó un macarrón rosado y donó el 50% durante todo el mes. Rudy's Bar-B-Que - Pink Cups for a Cause con $ 1 donado por cada taza Vendido todo el mes. Cerámica como desees : campaña de redondeo durante todo el mes en todas las ubicaciones. Aiello's, Charr, Isa's - Coin drive durante todo el mes. Obras abiertas : venta de pasteles y fondos de contrapartida recaudados. ¿Quiere tener un impacto aún mayor? Invítanos a presentar nuestro taller de bienestar GRATUITO educando a las mujeres sobre hechos, pautas de detección y consejos de prevención relacionados con el cáncer de mama. Además, PINK OUT 5K 25% de descuento en promociones. Invítenos a traer una unidad de mamografía móvil a su negocio y proporcionemos mamografías GRATIS a mujeres sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente en nuestra comunidad. (Agregado a nuestro calendario de mamografías) Nuestros logros Se proporcionó educación sobre la salud de los senos a más de 100.000 localmente. Proporcioné más de 1,600 pelucas nuevas gratuitas para mujeres que luchan contra el cáncer de mama, y ​​actualmente ayudamos a casi una mujer al día con una peluca nueva GRATIS. Proporcionamos más de 300 mamografías, incluidas las pruebas de diagnóstico de seguimiento, desde el inicio de nuestro programa de mamografías en abril de 2019. ¡Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia! Para obtener más información, visite: Organización sin fines de lucro del IRS 501 (c) 3 27-4626148 Contacto: Hannah Rose, directora de alcance comunitario 602-688-5232 sem, 602-384-3710 celular, October Color Calendar will be promoted through the following: Press releases. Daily posts on all social media. One social media post dedicated to your company campaign. Optional - Check for a Lump booth for up to 3 hours with give-aways, pictures and videos for social media. Sign up for a one-day fundraiser or a month-long event! Examples of previous participation: Mercedes Benz Scottsdale Shumacher Donated $100 for every car sold all month ​ Gawley Gala Raffle proceeds benefitting our non-profit. ​ Spinato’s Pizzeria Created a Pink Macaroon and donated 50% all month. ​ Rudy’s Bar-B-Que Pink Cups for a Cause with $1 donated for every cup sold all month. ​ As You Wish Pottery Round Up Campaign all month long at all locations. ​ Aiello’s, Charr, Isa’s Coin drive throughout the month. ​ Open Works Bake sale and matched funds raised. Want to make an even greater impact? Invite us to present our FREE wellness workshop educating women on the facts, screening guidelines, and prevention tips regarding breast cancer. Plus, PINK OUT 5K 25% off promos. Our Accomplishments Provided breast health education to over 300,000 locally. Provided over 1,950 free new wigs to women battling breast cancer, currently assisting close to one woman a day with a FREE new wig. Provided over 700 mammograms including follow-up diagnostic testing since the inception of our mammogram program in April 2019. Together we can make a difference! ​ I.R.S. Non-profit 501(c)3 27-4626148 Contact: Jessica Cadby - Director of Outreach

  • Check for a Lump | Pink Couture

    October 28th 2022 7:00 - 10:00 PM 15444 N Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale Join us for a night of fashion and fun to support Check for a Lump! We are honored to have the privilege of Fashionista, Billie Jo Herberger walk our runway. Evening at a Glance: 7:00 - 8:00 PM Cocktail Hour 50/50 Raffle 8:00 - 9:00 PM Fashion Show 9:00 - 10:00 PM Dancing & Shopping Located: Maison Valencia 15444 N Greenway Hayden Loop Suite 202 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 RSVP / DONATE Event Details Dress Code: Cocktail attire encouraged (do not have to wear pink). Check-in: Upon arrival please use the first-floor entry where you will find check-in. Please simply give your name, as well as show I.D. to gain entry. 50/50 Raffle: Enter to win with cash on your mobile device! (Cash/Credit/Paypal accepted). Detailed Timeline: 7:00 pm - Doors Open 7:00 - 8:00pm - Red Carpet & Cocktail Hour (light appetizers and beverage - 1 free drink included, then cash bar) 8:00 - 9:00pm - Program & Fashion Show 9:00 - 10:00pm - Dancing & exclusive shopping at Maison Valencia (Check for a Lump receives 10% of sales!) Get Involved with Pink Couture! Sponsorship THANK YOU TO OUR PINK couture SPONSORS!

  • Check for a Lump! | I've Found A Lump, Now What?

    Misión e Historia ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Don't delay! Early detection can be life-saving when it comes to breast cancer. If your doctor has any reason for concern, they will order tests for you to further investigate. These tests include a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, or MRI. We highly recommend Solis Imaging for your mammogram. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Depending on your practitioner they may schedule this at their office or a local imaging center. In past years, they have offered free mammograms in October and other times during the year. If you are in un or under-insured, we provide free mammograms and host free mobile mammogram events throughout the year. If any of our clients need follow-up diagnostic testing, we also pay the bill! ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Your practitioner may schedule an ultrasound to follow your diagnostic mammogram. WHAT IS AN ULTRASOUND? A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to make a computer image of the internal breast. Ultrasound images are used to further evaluate the abnormality. An ultrasound can detect if the mass is sold or filled with fluid, such as a non-cancerous cyst. It can also be used to determine the size and composition of the surrounding tissue. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico If there are concerns after your mammogram and ultrasound, your doctor may order a biopsy. A biopsy removes tissue from the breast through a needle or surgery. The cells are then viewed under a microscope to determine if they are cancerous or not. A biopsy is the only diagnostic procedure that can identify if the suspicious area is cancerous. Keep in mind that 80% of women who have a breast biopsy do not have breast cancer. ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often used to determine the stage of breast cancer. It may also be used as a diagnostic tool for women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer. WHAT IS A MRI? A MRI creates detailed 3-D images of the breast. Using the strong magnetic fields, it allows doctors to further evaluate any abnormalities. These tests may include a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy or MRI. To find a Federally Qualified Health Center near you, we highly recommend you visit ¿Descubrió un bulto? Que no cunda el pánico There are many benign (non-cancerous) conditions that may cause lumps and other noticeable symptoms in your breasts.

  • Fry's Community Rewards, Fry's Donates! | Check for a Lump

    Fry's community rewards Did you know you can support us simply by shopping at Fry's? ​ It's easy when you enroll in Fry's Community Rewards! To get started, sign up below with your V.I.P Card and select Check for a Lump (organization number ST706). ​Once you're enrolled, you will be assisting local women through Check for a Lump every time you shop and use your V.I.P Card! *All participants must re-enroll each year to continue earning rewards.* ​ Enroll in Fry's Community

  • Check for a Lump! | PINK OUT 5K 2023

    Join our 5K fundraiser as we unite together to make a difference in fight against breast cancer! 7th Annual Pink Out 5K! taking strides together JOIN PINK OUT 5K! October 7th 8:00AM Steele Indian School Park Free Mammograms l Local Vendors l Kids' Zone l Food Trucks 100% of profits stay LOCAL and will help us sustain our vital breast cancer programs that provide free education, mammograms, testing, wigs, and support! Date: October 7th, 2023 Time: 8AM Registration & Activities Location: Steele Indian School Park 300 E Indian School Rd Phoenix, AZ 85012 Register Donate! Volunteer! Pink Out 5K Information If you are having trouble registering, please try a different browser. We have found that this can be an issue. We recommend Chrome or Firefox. Thank you to our 2023 pink out 5k sponsors!

  • Check for a Lump | Knickers fore Knockers

    Unicorn Philanthropy's largest annual fundraising events are back! TWO days, TWO events, TWO worthy causes and ONE beautiful location. NEW VENUE: THE WESTIN KIERLAND RESORT & KIERLAND GOLF CLUB 3rd Annual Knickers Fore Knockers Golf Tournament: Friday, May 3, 2024 Welcome breakfast Multiple On-course Contests Team and Individual Prizes Awards Luncheon following play Custom knickers and matching socks set ​ 9th Annual Gawley Gala: Thursday, May 2, 2024 Interactive Cocktail Reception Three-Course Dinner Exclusive Live & Silent Auctions Live Band for Entertainment and Dancing! Dress code is semi-formal Both events are open to the public and everyone is welcome! The event's purpose will address the inequalities in healthcare and education. Support for two outstanding local organizations: CHECK FOR A LUMP & ELEVATE PHOENIX . Purchase Tickets Here Drs. Gawley and St. Peter are philanthropic leaders in our community. They have raised over $450,000 through Unicorn Philanthropy and their special events, Gawley Gala and Knickers fore Knockers.

  • Wig Out Gala Photos | Check for a Lump

    2024 WIG OUT GALA PHOTOS Step & Repeat We are so grateful for everyone who joined us at our 14th Annual Wig Out Gala this year! The night was truly magical with all the fun costumes and money raised to support our programs. Please enjoy the photos below from the event. All photos are free to download. If you share, be sure to tag us and add the hashtags #checkforalumpaz #wigoutgala2024 General Event Photobooth

  • Check for a Lump | Wig Out Gala

    wig out gala CLICK HERE FOR GALA PHOTOS It's not too late to get your hands on some awesome auction items! Click the link below and bid away. Auction open through end of April. AUCTION ITEMS AVAILABLE Join us at out 14th annual Wig Out Gala on Friday, March 22nd, 2024 at the Embassy Suites Scottsdale from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. We invite you to be a part of our enchanting "Once Upon a Wig Out" themed event where you can open our book of fairy-tales and make a wish for a brighter future. Show off your best storybook or fairy-tale costumes. Wigs are highly encouraged! Have fun and dream big ​ Friday, March 22nd, 2024 - 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Embassy Suites Scottsdale 5001 N Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85250 Price: $250 R.S.V.P. no later than 3/18/2024 Must be 21 or older Tickets Include: Silent Auction Dinner Cocktails Entertainment Dancing Sponsorship Packet SPONSOR TICKETS Auction Information AUCTION DONATION Thank you to our Annual wig out gala title sponsor research 4 rachel Thank you to our Annual sponsors bIG WIG BEE HIVE BOUFFANT Wig Out Gala Fundraisers Wig Out Gala '21 -- Flying Into the Future Video Check for a Lump Reproducir video Compartir Canal completo Este video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado Buscar video... Ahora en reproducción Wig Out Gala '21 -- Flying Into the Future Video 02:56 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción 13th Annual Wig Out Gala: WIG OUT A GO-GO! 01:09 Reproducir video Ahora en reproducción Check for a Lump's Annual WIG OUT Gala 2019: Hollywood 01:01 Reproducir video

  • Check for a Lump | Our Sponsors


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