Misión e Historia
We offer free Super Survivor Kits to women going through
active breast cancer treatment in Arizona.
The kits include comfort items to help patients during a difficult time. These kits are a perfect gift for all cancer patients, as well as for anyone going through a tough medical journey.

We are currently in need of:
Pocket tissues
Fiction or inspirational books
Book marks
Supplies to make our non-toxic products
100% cotton fabric
Lint rollers
Seat-belt covers
Thank you for your generosity!
About our Super Survivor Kits
Each kit is made with love, community support, and generosity! The kit contains many handmade, clean, non-toxic products like: aromatherapy candles, lip gloss, hand cream, exfoliating soap, bath salts, laundry detergent, blankets, lavender infused eye masks, hats, hot/cold pads, plus a few extra donated entertainment items such as: coloring & game books, colored pencils, and inspiring memoirs. We even include the recipes so women can make more of the products when they run out!

As we planned the Super Survivor Kits, we realized this was an amazing opportunity for our community to shine and use their talents to express their care. Our programs director, Laura began teaching her daughter’s girl scout troop the recipes. The girls loved the project and learning why non-toxic ingredients are so important. In just one night their troop made over 100 individual containers of homemade laundry detergent for the kits! The girls were overjoyed with their accomplishment and are continuing to learn more recipes to fill the kits! Our wonderful NCL volunteers have been making beautiful lavender infused eye masks. A local church, heard about the new program and within the week had bags of blankets made and ready to bring a bit of comfort. One woman heard the need and immediately left to buy fabric for the hot/cold packs.
So! What has this revealed to us? People care! People want to show their support! People have many talents! And this Super Survivor Kit can be a way for all of them to collaborate with us and show each survivor that the community is there cheering them on and caring! We care about YOU!
Special thank you to our very own Laura Pentsa and Girl Scout Troop #7286 for making our non-toxic products and leaving a legacy of health!
