Misión e Historia
Your sponsorship is invaluable in helping us serve our local breast cancer community. By supporting and aligning with Check for a Lump, you not only provide critical resources for our local community but also strengthen your community giving profile. Together, we can save lives and empower individuals to thrive through awareness and action.
Would you possibly consider becoming a sponsor for Check for a Lump in 2025?
You can view the sponsorship options below or click the link above.
Annual Sponsorship Opportunities
Big wig $30,000
Internet/Social Media
Color logo with hyperlink on every page of our website
Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page
Company logo with hyperlink in every e-newsletter
12 social media posts
Podcast opportunity (2 episodes)
Recognition in client testimony video
Specialty editorial in e-newsletter
Magazine (Print in English & Spanish, plus internet)
Full page color acknowledgement 8.5 X 11
Half-page color acknowledgement 5.5 X 8.5
Specialty editorial (1-2 pages)
Color acknowledgement on back of cover
Community Outreach
Swag bag collateral at community health events
Swag bag collateral at mobile mammogram events
Super Survivor Kit collateral
One half-day mobile mammogram event at location of choice
Signature Events
Acknowledgement at each event
Collateral in swag bags for each event
Choice of 8 tickets to Wig Out or 20 entries to Pink Out
Additional opportunities through benefiting events.
beehive $15,000
Internet/Social Media
Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page
6 social media posts
Podcast opportunity (1 episode)
Specialty editorial in e-newsletter
Magazine (Print in English & Spanish, plus internet)
Full page color acknowledgement 8.5 X 11
Community Outreach
Swag bag collateral at community health events
Swag bag collateral at mobile mammogram events
Super Survivor Kit collateral
Signature Events
Acknowledgement at each event
Collateral in swag bags for each event
Choice of either 4 tickets to Wig Out or 15 entries to Pink Out
bouffant $5,000
Internet/Social Media
Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page
3 social media posts
Magazine (Print in English & Spanish, plus internet)
Half page color acknowledgement 5.5 x 8.5
Signature Events
Acknowledgement at each event
Collateral in swag bags for each event
Choice of 2 tickets to Wig Out or 10 entries to Pink Out
pixie $3,000
Internet/Social Media
Color logo with hyperlink on sponsorship page
Magazine (Print in English & Spanish, plus internet)
Quarter page color acknowledgement 5.5 x 4.25
Signature Events
Acknowledgement at each event
Collateral in swag bags for each event
Choice of either 2 tickets to Wig Out or 5 entries to the Pink Out
add-on options
One half-day mobile mammogram event $4,000
Podcast episode $500
Specialty editorial in e-newsletter $500
1-page specialty editorial in magazine $2,000
1/2 page specialty editorial in magazine $1,000
event sponsorship opportunities
In 2025, we will be hosting three special event fundraisers!
The Pink Soiree will be held on Friday, February 21st, 2025.
The Pink Out fun run/walk will be held on Saturday, October 11th, 2025.
The Wig Out fundraiser will be held on Friday, February 17th, 2025.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for each event. If you are able to sponsor more than one event, there is a special discount. Please review the sponsorship opportunities packet for all the details.